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How do I get myself to eat more to gain weight?

How To Gain Weight With A Fast Metabolism Tricks To Finally Make That Number On The Scale Go Up

There are a lot of many advices out there about weight loss, but very few about weight gain (although a lot of skinny people struggle with it). But it seems most of the weight gain remedies does not work like weight loss.

Typically, “JUST EAT MORE!” or “Go to McDonald’s!”.

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eat more to gain weight

Anyway, here are some quick tips (that helped me, along with strength-training, to go from 70 kg-84 kg in the past years). It is not much, but is a great improvement for me and many skinny people out there struggling to gain weight.

1. Increase your portion sizes

When you load your plate, try to slowly add more food than you normally would. If you usually eat two potatoes, add a third one. After a while, add a fourth.

Try to think +1:

  • One egg > two eggs.
  • One sandwich > two sandwiches.
  • One glass of milk > two glasses of milk.

2. Drink more calories

When you drink your calories, you don’t get full as fast as you would by eating them = you are able to consume more calories/day.


  • Add a glass of juice to your breakfast.
  • Drink milk with your meals.
  • Try smoothies made of berries, fruit, yogurt.
  • Grab a protein shake after your lunch or dinner.
  • Keep soft drinks with sugar limited.

3. Add more fat to your diet

Fat contains a lot of energy. So if you want to gain weight, you should eat more of it.

Here are some tasty and healthy sources:

  • Oil’s (olive, rapeseed, flaxseed) – add some extra olive oil on your veggies, cook your food in rapeseed, add a tablespoon of flaxseed in your yogurt or protein shake.
  • Nut’s (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts) – the perfect snack, pack a handful to-go.
  • Don’t be afraid of whole-milk, high-fat yogurt, or adding some butter to your meals.
  • Avocado, egg, fish (salmon, mackerel).
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4. Eat food rich in energy and protein

Whole-grain and food rich in fibers are healthy, however, you don’t have to go bananas on it. It doesn’t need to be 100% of your diet.

If you want to gain weight, feel free to eat: basmati/jasmine rice, regular pasta, or light bread.

5. Be patient

Gaining weight might take some time for you. Don’t stare yourself blindly at the digits on the scale. Don’t go into disaster-mood if nothing happens in a week or two.

Let it come slowly and dare to experiment a bit. Everyone’s unique, so what might work for one person, might not be a good fit for another.

6. ENJOY when and what you eat

One of the most important things to be able to maintain new habits is to enjoy what you do.

While you aim to keep the majority of your diet nutritional, it’s okay to treat yourself a little sometimes. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Especially when your goal is to gain weight.

Feel like having a piece of chocolate cake as dessert? Go for it. Friday night and you want to grab a pizza? Go for it.

Rather than trying to do 120% correct for 1 month, focus on doing 80% over a long period of time

ENJOY the journey! You’re going to learn a lot about yourself along the way, as I did!

Source: Valsmediagh.com

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